Pour Over

Pour Over

If you’ve ever been to a specialty coffee shop, you’ve likely experienced a pour over, or at least seen it on the menu.  Pour overs can be finicky, but they provide you with a wide range of variables to play with, meaning that once you get comfortable with it, it’s hard to go back to any other method.

True to our philosophy, we wanted to find a recipe that was easy to start, and then you can tweak from there.  There are many pour over drippers out there, each with their own advantages, but we tried to find a recipe that would work well with most.

What you’ll need

  • 1x Pour Over Dripper
  • 1x Grinder
  • 1x Scale
  • 1x Gooseneck Kettle
  • 20 g of coffee
  • 320 g (+ ~200g for rinsing/preheating) of 93 C/200 F water

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Assemble everything you’ll need from the list above
  2. Begin heating your water
  3. Weigh your 20 g of coffee and grind at a medium-fine grind (roughly the coarseness of sea salt)
  4. Place your paper filter in your dripper on your mug or carafe, and rinse with hot water
  5. Empty the hot water, and place your mug/carafe and dripper on your scale
  6. Pour your ground coffee into the dripper, and once the water reaches the desired temperature, start your timer and pour 60 g of water over your grinds in a circular pattern, ensuring that you wet all of your grinds
  7. At 45 seconds, pour more water until the total weight of water reaches 200 g
  8. Allow the water level to decrease slightly, then refill to the same level twice, pouring 60 g each time, so your total water weight equals 320 g by the end
  9. At 3 minutes 30 seconds, your coffee should be finished dripping and tadah!  You have a beautiful coffee to enjoy yourself or with company
pour over coffee


As noted above, this recipe is intended to get you started, but the journey to discovering the perfect cup for you begins here.  Feel free to use the variables below to fine tune the end result.

  • Too bitter? Try grinding coarser, lowering the temperature of your water, or pouring the water faster for a shorter total brew time
  • Too weak? Try breaking up the pours into more intervals (as this creates more agitation and extends the total brew time), or try adding more coffee relative to water
  • Too sour or strong? Try the opposite!

There are many variables to play with, especially depending on your dripper, but these are some suggestions to get you started.  Enjoy!